Coachelaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! It's a shame it's over, but I had a blast. The entire weekend felt like a non stop party. That's exactly what Coachella is. It's a 3 day party for thousands and thousands of people from noon to midnight. Everywhere you looked you would see people dancing, singing, and forgetting their troubles. Before Friday was over I had convinced myself I was going to come back next year. It was the longest weekend of my life, but I've never had more fun standing and waiting for my ears to be blasted by the sound of music. Below is a list of the bands I saw and the (not so) complete songs I recorded. Click on the song name to see the video.
Iglu and Hartly - In This City
ProxyShe and Him- I Put A Spell On You
Passion Pit - The Reeling and Sleepyhead
La Roux - In For The Kill
Vampire weekend - Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa and Cousins
Benny Benassi
Temper Trap - Sweet Disposition
Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeroes - Home
The XX - VCR
Coheed and Cambria - Welcome Home
Muse- Hysteria and Stockholm Syndrome

Matt and Kim - Good Ole Fashioned Nightmare, The Final Countdown, and Daylight
Club 75
Phoenix - Lizstomania
Thom Yorke
Friday was the longest day. We got there at about 1 and had no idea what to expect. Iglu and Hartly was awesome and a great way to start everything off. Passion Pit definitely had the best performance of the day with Sleepyhead energizing everyone for the rest of the night.
Saturday, though, was the 2nd greatest 8 hour block of music I have been through. The only thing that mattered to me that day was Muse and being close enough to feel the energy of the crowd. Following Muse was Tiesto, and even though we sat waaaaaaaaaay in the back, he sounded AMAZING. However, it wasn't just the bands that made Saturday unforgettable, it was the realization of how much fun could be had in a parking lot jammed full of cars and people. All it took was a stupid idea and some parking cones to get us 15 minutes of fame.
The Steg-A-Prius was born. I suggested that we first put cones in front of cars just to see what would happen. We did that and couldn't stop laughing. The driver of the car we put the cone in front of got out of his car, put it in front of us, got in his car, and cut us off because he was too angry. He must have been having a rough night. Since the parking situation was so jammed, one car could have meant another 15 minutes waiting. To the right of us was open grass which led to the flow of traffic out of the lot. We decided to put cones perpendicular to this open lane so cars couldn't cut the rest of us off. Since the night was over, people were walking down this lane to get back to wherever they were staying, and some decided to mess with the cones. Someone in our car yelled "Hey, put that back asshole!" and they did put the cone back. Right inside of our car. We decided to put that cone back and thought that was the end of it.
10 minutes later, the same girl came back and put one cone on top of our car. Since we weren't moving, at all, we just decided to go with it. Fast forward to 20 minutes later and we have people placing cones on our car and taking pictures of the car because they thought it was amusing. It seems blasting Deadmau5 + having cones on a car = 15 minutes of fame. People were shaking our hands and dancing to the music with the occasional person sitting in front of the car taking a picture. We couldn't get enough of it.
Of course, since all good things have to end, security came down and rained on our parade. In the course of over an hour we had moved 20 feet with way too many cones on our roof. Security told us to put the cones back for some stupid reason. If only it could have lasted longer...
Sunday was the most laid back day. We got there around 4 and pretty much relaxed the entire day just trying to soak everything in. Following Thom Yorke we left before the massive amounts of traffic consumed us like they did Saturday. And just like that it was over.
Goodbye Coachella.
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